Saturday, May 10, 2008

free how to crochet a rose flower instructions crochet guide

The word crochet comes from the French croche or croc meaning to hook. Being focused on crochet means that there s little room to be focused on much of anything else; in turn, all the clutter and noise from a chaotic and busy day is suddenly relegated to the back burner.

Fortunately for us all, there were a lot of books, magazines and patterns published between 1850 and 1950 that have documented, the crochet creations that are from the peak period of this craft. Crocheted afghan covers can be used in various ways. Afghans also make great gifts during birthdays and holidays as different motifs can be incorporated into the design.

Crochet is used to make a variety of things. You may even find that if you approach someone who knows how to crochet and tell them that you would like to learn to crochet, they ll be happy to pass along some lessons. At the time, knitting seemed over my head and maybe even a bit "granny-ish".

Give yourself plenty of time to learn the art of crochet before you start on a baby blanket. It was something that I could learn to do that could be useful in the future. By referring to old books, magazines and brochures, people find techniques that have been forgotten.

I find it very relaxing, a great stress reliever. Crochet may seem complicated at first, but is really simple once you learn how.

cubs afghan crochet patterns - crochet made easy. easy crochet afghan patterns basics.

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